Terms and Conditions

Personal Training at peteski.ch

1. Health Prerequisites and Prior Knowledge

In case certain performance levels or prior knowledge are required for training, the participant or customer will be informed. The participant is responsible for the required prior knowledge. Before starting a physical training, peteski.ch can demand a medical certificate from the participant. Additionally, the participant is obliged to truthfully answer questions about their health condition.

2. Risk Assumption

The participant/customer is aware that physical training always carries a residual risk of injury or health problems. The conclusion of an appropriate insurance policy is the responsibility of the participant/customer.

3. Registration

Registration for training is done via the website, by phone, orally or in writing by email to peteski.ch. By registering, the participant/customer acknowledges these terms and conditions. Payment for services is made by agreement with peteski.ch via Twint, invoice or cash. A processing fee may be charged if an invoice is desired.

4. Cancellation of Personal Training Sessions

The participant/customer can withdraw free of charge from a booked personal training session up to 24 hours before the start. After that, the appointment is fully charged and must be paid to peteski.ch. If peteski.ch is unable to arrange a personal training session at short notice, the customer has the right to a new appointment. Further claims cannot be asserted.

5. Liability for Accidents and Theft

Peteski.ch assumes no liability for accidents caused by negligence and for items lost or stolen that were brought to the training sessions. The conclusion of corresponding insurances is the responsibility of the participant/customer.

6. Processing of Customer Data

The data of peteski.ch's customers is stored as far as necessary for business and permissible under data protection laws, using electronic data processing at peteski.ch. There will be no data transfer to third parties without the customer's consent.

7. Adjustment of the Terms and Conditions

Peteski.ch reserves the right to make any adjustments to the terms and conditions. In such a case, these will be appropriately placed on the homepage.

8. Miscellaneous

If individual provisions of these terms and conditions are or become ineffective, this will not affect the remaining provisions. The ineffective provision is to be replaced by a provision that comes as close as possible to the economic effect of the ineffective provision. If peteski.ch waives the enforcement of these terms and conditions in individual cases, this does not mean a modification of these terms and conditions. As far as legally permissible, Zurich is agreed as the place of jurisdiction.